define(['quote/quote'], function (quote) { quote.controller('TermsAndConditions', ['$scope', '$mdDialog', 'Helpers', '$http', function ($scope, $mdDialog, Helpers, $http) { $scope.deductionsLoading = false; $scope.$watch('deductionsLoading', function (val) { if (val == true) { $scope.SetStepLoading(); $scope.SetStepHeader('

We\'re busy processing your Auto & General Insurance agreement

', 'You are mere moments away from getting cover that is always there for you.'); } else if (val == false) { $scope.SetStepHeader('

Terms and conditions

', ''); $scope.SetStepLoaded(); } }); var termsDialogTemplate = Helpers.dialog("termsDialog"); var disclaimerDialogTemplate = Helpers.dialog("disclaimerDialog"); function dialogFunction(template, accept, reject) { return function dialogFunctionFunction(event) { ${ clickOutsideToClose: true, disableParentScroll: false, scope: $scope, preserveScope: true, targetEvent: event, template: template, controller: ['$scope', '$mdDialog', function ($scope, $mdDialog) { $scope.accept = $mdDialog.hide; $scope.cancel = $mdDialog.cancel; }] }).then(accept, reject); } } $scope.updateDeductions = function () { // reset deductions t&c's $scope.deductionsLoading = true; $scope.deductionsConfirmed = false; $scope.disclaimerAccepted = false; $scope.termsAccepted = false; $scope.deductionsLoadedSuccessfully = false; $scope.TermsAndConditionsForm.$setPristine(); $scope.TermsAndConditionsForm.$pending = true; return $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/TermsAndConditions/UpdateDeductions', data: { referenceNumber: $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumber, effectiveDate: $scope.Quote.EffectiveDate } }).then(function (response) { $scope.Deductions =; if (response.status == 200 && $scope.Deductions != null && $scope.Deductions != "") { $scope.deductionsLoadedSuccessfully = true; } else { $scope.hasAdminFee = false; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.Deductions.Deduct.length; i++) { var val = $scope.Deductions.Deduct[i].TranDescription; if (val.match(/admin fee/ig)) { $scope.hasAdminFee = true; } } } }, function () { }).finally(function () { $scope.deductionsLoading = false; $scope.TermsAndConditionsForm.$pending = false; }); }; var TodaysDate = new Date().getDateOnly(); if (TodaysDate > $scope.Quote.PolicyStartDate) $scope.minEffectiveDate = TodaysDate; else $scope.minEffectiveDate = $scope.Quote.PolicyStartDate; $scope.maxEffectiveDate = $scope.minEffectiveDate.addDays(45); $scope.$watch('Quote.EffectiveDate', $scope.updateDeductions); $scope.Quote.EffectiveDate = $scope.minEffectiveDate; $scope.showDisclaimer = dialogFunction(disclaimerDialogTemplate, function () { $scope.disclaimerAccepted = true; }, function () { $scope.disclaimerAccepted = false; }); $scope.showTermsAndConditions = dialogFunction(termsDialogTemplate, function () { $scope.termsAccepted = true; }, function () { $scope.termsAccepted = false; }); }]); });