define(['quote/quote'], function (quote) { quote.controller('QuickQuoteSummary', ['$scope', '$http', 'Helpers', '$timeout', '$mdDialog', function ($scope, $http, Helpers, $timeout, $mdDialog) { $scope.SetStepHeader('

Here\'s your quick quote

', 'Your reference number is:' + $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumberDisplay + '. This quote will be valid for 30 days.'); $scope.initQuickQuoteSummary = function () { eval(document.getElementById("QuickQuoteInit").innerHTML); $scope.QuickQuoteResults = QuickQuoteResults; }; $scope.SubmitQuickQuoteSummary = function () { $scope.QuickQuoteSummarySubmit(); }; $scope.Print = function () { var oldname = document.title; document.title = "Auto and General - Quote " + $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumberDisplay; window.print(); document.title = oldname; }; $scope.Email = function (ev) { $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/QuickQuoteSummary/Email', params: { referenceNumber: $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumber } }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) { $ $mdDialog.alert().clickOutsideToClose(true).disableParentScroll(false) .title('Email Delivered') .content('Your quotation has been emailed to: ' + $scope.Quote.Personal.Email) .ok('Thanks!') .targetEvent(ev) ); }); }; $scope.StartQuote = function () { $scope.QuoteStarting = true; $scope.QuickQuoteSummarySubmit().then(function () { $scope.QuoteStarting = false; }, function () { $scope.QuoteStarting = false; }); }; $scope.initQuickQuoteSummary(); }]); });