define(['quote/quote'], function (quote) { quote.controller('FinalSummary', ['$scope', '$http', '$mdDialog', function ($scope, $http,$mdDialog) { $scope.isBrokerQuote = false; $scope.isBrokerFeeWaived = false; $scope.showWaiveBrokerFee = true; if (window.location.href.indexOf("quote") > -1 && window.location.href.indexOf("brokers") > -1) $scope.isBrokerQuote = true; eval(document.getElementById("mvdInit").innerHTML); $scope.mvdActive = _mvdActive; $scope.DiscountList = $scope.Quote.DiscountDetails; $scope.DiscTotals = $scope.Quote.DiscountTotal; $scope.discountDisplay = true; $scope.Final = { Loading: true }; $scope.SetIsFinalSummary(true); $scope.$watch('Final.Loading', function (val) { if (val == true) { $scope.SetStepLoading(); $scope.SetStepHeader('

Your insurance quote is almost ready.

', 'In a moment you\'ll receive a tailor-made quote for insurance that is behind you every step of the way.'); } else if (val == false) { $scope.SetStepHeader('

Here\'s your final quote

','Your reference number is:'+$scope.Quote.ReferenceNumberDisplay+'. This quote will be valid for 30 days.'); $scope.SetStepLoaded(); } }); $scope.setVehicleDescription = function () { $scope.Quote.Vehicles.forEach(function (value) { if (value.VehicleType == 'GolfCart' || value.VehicleType == 'Caravan' || value.VehicleType == 'Trailer') { var desc = $scope.QuoteDetail.Vehicles.filter(function (v) { return v.SequenceNumber == value.VehicleSequenceNumber }); if (desc.length == 0) return; value.VehicleDescription.Description = desc[0].Description; } }); } // Functions $scope.GetQuoteDetails = function () { $scope.Final.Loading = true; var referenceNumber = $scope.Quote && $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumber; $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/FinalSummary/GetDetails', data: { currentState: $scope.Quote } }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) { $scope.QuoteDetail = data; if ($scope.Quote.Type === 'Amendment' && $scope.QuoteDetail.Vehicles.length > 0) $scope.setVehicleDescription(); $scope.DiscountList = data.DiscountDetail; $scope.DiscTotals = data.DiscountTotals; if ($scope.QuoteDetail.TotalPremium <= 30 && $scope.Quote.Type == "Lead") window.location = "/quote/" + $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumberDisplay + "#/refertomanager"; else $scope.Final.Loading = false; if ($scope.isBrokerQuote) $scope.GetBrokerFee(); }); }; $scope.ReQuote = function (removeBorehole) { $scope.Final.Loading = true; if ($scope.QuoteDetail) $scope.currentPremium = $scope.QuoteDetail.CurrentPremiumDisplay; $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/FinalSummary/ReQuote', data: { currentState: $scope.Quote, removeBorehole: removeBorehole } }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) { $scope.QuoteDetail = data; $scope.QuoteDetail.CurrentPremiumDisplay = $scope.currentPremium; //var count = 0; //for (var i = 0; i < $scope.Quote.Vehicles.length; i++) { // ($scope.Quote.Vehicles[i].CoverType == "A" || $scope.Quote.Vehicles[i].CoverType == "D" || $scope.Quote.Vehicles[i].CoverType == null) ? count++ : count; //} //count > 1 ? $scope.discountDisplay = true : $scope.discountDisplay = false; $scope.DiscountList = data.DiscountDetail; $scope.DiscTotals = data.DiscountTotals; $scope.Final.Loading = false; }); }; $scope.MaritalDisplay = function (code) { // todo: MaritalDisplay() wants to be a helper function that can be used all over. // It also wants to read its data from the backend, but not too often switch (code) { case "A": code = "Separated"; break; case "D": code = "Divorced"; break; case "M": code = "Married"; break; case "P": code = "Cohabiting/Partnered"; break; case "S": code = "Single"; break; case "W": code = "Widowed"; break; } return code; }; var RemoveDialog = function (ev, message) { return $mdDialog.confirm() .title('Are you sure?') .content(message || 'Are you sure you want to remove this risk item? This action cannot be undone. If you want to add a risk item you will have to start the buy process over again.') .ok('Remove') .cancel('Cancel') .disableParentScroll(false) .targetEvent(ev); }; $scope.RemoveHome = function RemoveHome(ev) { // Appending dialog to document.body to cover sidenav in docs app var msg = ""; var isCarCounter = 0; if ($scope.Quote.PortablePossessions.Bicycles.length > 0 || $scope.Quote.PortablePossessions.Cellphone.length > 0 || $scope.Quote.PortablePossessions.SpecifiedItems.length > 0 || $scope.Quote.PortablePossessions.PrescriptionGlasses.length > 0) for (var a = 0; a < $scope.Quote.Vehicles.length; a++) { if ($scope.Quote.Vehicles[a].IsCar && $scope.Quote.Vehicles[a].TrueAndCorrect == true) isCarCounter ++; } if (isCarCounter > 0) { msg = "Removing home content may affect the amount of portable possessions you can insure."; } else { msg = "Removing this home contents cover will remove any linked portable possession."; } var confirm = RemoveDialog(ev, msg); $ () { $scope.Quote.HomeContent.TrueAndCorrect = false; // Reload the quote if (isCarCounter > 0) { $scope.Final.Loading = true; $scope.CheckPortablesWhenDeletingHome(); } else { $scope.ReQuote(); } }); }; $scope.RemoveBuilding = function (ev) { if (($scope.Quote.HomeContent.HomeContentsValue && $scope.Quote.HomeContent.HomeContentsValue > 0) || !($scope.Quote.HomeContent.HomeBoreholePoolValue && $scope.Quote.HomeContent.HomeBoreholePoolValue > 0)) msg = "Are you sure you want to remove this building? This action cannot be undone. If you want to add a risk item you will have to start the buy process over again."; else msg = "Are you sure you want to remove this building (borehole and swimming pool equipment will also be removed)? This action cannot be undone. If you want to add a risk item you will have to start the buy process over again."; var confirm = RemoveDialog(ev, msg); $ () { $scope.Quote.Building.TrueAndCorrect = false; $scope.ReQuote(); }); }; $scope.RemoveVehicle = function (ev, sequenceNumber) { var vehicleCheck = $scope.DiscountList.filter(function (x) { return x.vehicleSequenceNumber == sequenceNumber.toString() }); var mvdMessage = vehicleCheck.length > 0 && vehicleCheck[0].hasDiscount == "1" && $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts.length != 0 ? "By removing a vehicle, you may affect the comprehensive vehicle insurance discount you qualified for, which works as follows: " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[0].NumberOfVehicles + " car = no discount, " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[1].NumberOfVehicles + " cars = up to " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[1].DiscountPercentage + "%, " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[2].NumberOfVehicles + " cars = up to " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[2].DiscountPercentage + "%, " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[3].NumberOfVehicles + " cars = up to " + $scope.Quote.DiscountAmounts[3].DiscountPercentage + "% each." : ""; var confirm = RemoveDialog(ev, 'Are you sure you want to remove this risk item? This action cannot be undone. If you want to add a risk item you will have to start the buy process over again.' + mvdMessage); $ () { // find and flag the vehicle to remove if ($scope.Quote.Vehicles) { angular.forEach($scope.Quote.Vehicles, function (value, key) { if (value.VehicleSequenceNumber == sequenceNumber) { value.TrueAndCorrect = false; // flag for removal } }); } $scope.ReQuote(); }); }; $scope.RemoveBorehole = function (ev) { var confirm = RemoveDialog(ev); $ () { $scope.Quote.HomeContent.HomeBoreholePoolValue = null; $scope.ReQuote(true); }); }; $scope.RemoveItem = function (ev) { $ $mdDialog.alert() .clickOutsideToClose(true) .disableParentScroll(false) .title('Remove Unsupported') .content('Removing this content item is not yet supported') .ok('Got it!') .targetEvent(ev) ); }; $scope.Print = function () { var oldname = document.title; document.title = "Auto and General - Quote " + $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumberDisplay; window.print(); document.title = oldname; } $scope.Email = function (ev) { $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/FinalSummary/Email', params: { referenceNumber: $scope.Quote.ReferenceNumber } }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) { $ $mdDialog.alert().clickOutsideToClose(true).disableParentScroll(false) .title('Email Delivered') .content('Your quotation has been emailed to: ' + $scope.Quote.Personal.Email) .ok('Thanks!') .targetEvent(ev) ); }); }; $scope.GetBrokerFee = function () { $http({ method: 'POST', url: '/Quote/FinalSummary/GetBrokerFee' }).success(function (data) { $scope.BrokerFee = data; $scope.TotalPremiumWithBrokerFee = $scope.QuoteDetail.TotalPremium + data; if ($scope.CurrentBrokerFee === 0) $scope.showWaiveBrokerFee = false; }); } $scope.WaiveBrokerFee = function () { $scope.isBrokerFeeWaived = !$scope.isBrokerFeeWaived; if ($scope.isBrokerFeeWaived) { $scope.BrokerFeeBeforeWaive = $scope.BrokerFee; $scope.TotalPremiumWithBrokerFee = $scope.TotalPremiumWithBrokerFee - $scope.BrokerFee; $scope.BrokerFee = 0; } else { $scope.BrokerFee = $scope.BrokerFeeBeforeWaive; $scope.TotalPremiumWithBrokerFee = $scope.TotalPremiumWithBrokerFee + $scope.BrokerFee; } } // Initialize things $scope.GetQuoteDetails(); }]); });